Unlocking Minds, Empowering Brands
NeuroConsulting Australia

Neuroscience Meets Marketing

What do the internet, the iPhone, Baileys Irish Cream, and the Sony Walkman have in common? If you said that they each failed in focus groups, or faced fierce criticism at the hands of ‘experts’ upon their release, you’d be right. Now, they are all household names. What history has taught us, is that human behaviour is often irrational and unpredictable. Neuroscience holds the key to going beyond what the consumer ‘thinks’.

Creative Testing

Use EEG to assess emotional engagement, attention, and memory retention for various creative concepts

Consumer Journey

Map the emotional and cognitive journey of consumers through touchpoints, identifying high and low points in engagement

Media Planning

Gather neuro data to create comprehensive profiles of target audiences, understanding their preferences, emotional triggers, and cognitive responses

Product Experience

Use neuroscience to test and refine sensory aspects of products (like packaging, smell, taste) that influence consumer preferences

Go Beyond Visual Attention

Visual attention doesn't guarantee that the message is being stored in memory. Neuroscience is the only way to understand the relationship between attention and outcomes.

Understand Consumption

Consumers don't consume ads from start to finish. Get real-time insights that tell you when consumers  are actively and passively attending to your messaging.

Creative Feature Analysis

Maximise creative effectiveness by taking a deep dive into the key features of assets.

Access Global & Industry Benchmarks

Get the edge on competitors by understanding key strengths and weaknesses in your assets.

Actionable Insights

Obtain bespoke insights which help identify and harness key messaging opportunities.


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